
Initial Assessment

Your initial assessment will consist of a detailed history followed by a thorough physical evaluation. This assessment determines the source of your problem, then a relevant treatment plan will be discussed with you. This is followed with hands-on treatment involving Physiotherapy and if relevant, Bowen or Myofascial Therapy techniques.

What to Wear

For your initial assessment please wear comfortable loose clothing and, if your symptoms involve the legs, please wear shorts.

Treatment bed


Treatments include:

  • Manual therapy
  • Soft tissue techniques
  • Personalised exercise therapy
  • Pilates, core stability
  • Sports rehabilitation
  • Ergonomic & postural advice
Physiotherapy addresses stiffness, muscle imbalance and stability. This reduces discomfort, restores movement and prevents recurrence. The number of treatments required is variable depending on your issue and will be discussed at your initial appointment. Treatments can vary in frequency but are usually once a week. I do pride myself with getting clients 'fixed' quickly and I’m successful in preventing reoccurrence of symptoms too.
Hip treatment
Shoulder treatment
Taping a knee

Bowen Therapy

The Bowen Technique is a gentle, relaxing, and highly effective hands-on therapy which works on the fascia and connective tissue of muscles. The light moves used in treatment send messages to the central nervous system which encourages the body to heal. Bowen helps to reduce stress and muscle tension. In doing so this encourages musculoskeletal realignment which promotes healing and repair throughout your body. Simply stated, Bowen helps to restore, rebalance, and re-align your body.

Read more about Bowen Therapy